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Welcome to The Mind of a (Book)Worm ! Sophie and I created this as a method of starting a book club without having to read the same books,...

About Maiya

Once upon a time, in an 8th Grade English class, Sophie and I decided that normal book clubs sucked. Who likes reading the same book that much? And directed discussions? Ew.
So this became our brainchild. As we were frequently asked for book suggestions, we wanted a way to give a ton of people book ideas and why it was interesting without having to remember a ton of books off the top of our heads. Hence this.

As far as me? I'm the oldest of four, I have a grey miniature schnoodle named Misty and a green Pacific Parrotlet named Chico. I'm an avid reader, and I love Science Olympiad with something of a passion. I have many random and somewhat peculiar talents and hobbies, play the flute in band, and in all likelihood, there's a fair chance you already know all of this.

So ta-da, me.
Signing off, Maiya

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