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Monday, June 22, 2015

How to Divide the World

Hello! Hope you're having a wonderful day.

I have recently gotten into audiobooks (I'm pretty sure I'm the only teenager with a Diskman in a 3,000 mile radius) and I picked up 3 to start. I just finished the second one, and it was freaking amazing. AHMAYZING. It's titled I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson. It was fantastic, really it was.

A brief(-ish) overview:
Jude and Noah are twins. 13 year-old Noah is a vibrant artist, bursting with color and potential. He and his sister have been close all their lives. Since he can remember, Noah and Jude have been dividing the world - the sun, the stars, the trees, everything. 13 year-old Jude is daring. She wears red, red lipstick and flirts with the older boys. They've grown apart lately; it seems that their family is dividing, but instead of Jude and Noah against their parents, they're on opposite teams now. 3 years later, a tragedy has divided them seemingly irrevocably.  It seems their roles have reversed - Jude the odd artist, Noah the "normal" one.

Anyway, this is about how the twins find their way back to each other. It was hilarious (if you don't mind the cussing, it's well placed though). I laughed out loud at some parts and could definitely see the colors Noah described. I don't even know how else to describe it. IT WAS SO FREAKING AWESOME. SO READ IT. NOW. STOP READING THIS AND GO PICK UP A COPY.

Much love,

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