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Thursday, November 5, 2015

I've never been a binge-reader...until now...

Hey y'all!

So, a few days ago, I contently finished Room by Emma Donoghue. I've been wanting to read it for a while, hearing the news of the upcoming film adaptation of the book starring Brie Larson as Ma. I can't watch the trailer without getting choked up!

So, how was this book? Is it really worth seeing the movie?

The answer is yes. Yes yes yes yes.

A quick synopsis of Room: The story is told by Jack, a five year old boy and his mother, whom we only know as Ma. Jack and Ma are confined to a eleven-by-eleven shed they call "Room". Room is all Jack knows, all because he's never stepped foot outside of it. The story takes a dramatic turn when Ma makes a proposal- and Jack doesn't know how he feels about it.

Oh my sprinkles. This book was impossible to put down. I read it in less than three days. I'm in love with Room beyond words. Donoghue portrays life through a five year old's eyes fabulously. I'm currently writing a novel told from the perspective of a nine year old girl, and even that's hard! She makes it seem as though a little boy sat down at the computer and wrote it. She gives Jack such personality- it's impossible not to fall in love with him.

Donoghue shows the unbreakable bond between Ma and Jack without even saying it. Ma never once tells Jack that she loves him- and it's not necessary. Donoghue vividly shows the immense amount of love Ma has for Jack between the lines. Room is merely centered around the bond the pair holds, and it's tear jerking.

In conclusion, Room is a masterpiece of it's own, flecked with it's own originality and character. Donoghue is a literary saint when it comes to writing a novel in a tricky perspective. I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a good drama with suspense, and not to mention a book that will hit you right in the feels.


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